NWSC flood damage repair

 I know that many people (regatta organisers, officials, & competitors) have been concerned about the repairs to NWSC following the flood damage.  I am therefore posting the following message from NWSC, dated 1st March.  Apologies if any of it has got distorted, as I think the version I received may have been from a scanned copy, but hopefully the gist is there.


I am writing to update you on progress regarding the flood bank reinstatement project.

The Environment Agency, as our Contractors, will be commencing operations on this project from Monday 5 March 2001. The length of the Contract is estimated to be 7-8 weeks.

The project can be broken down into three phases:

Phase 1: Dredging of the lake. It is envisaged that this will take approximately 7-10 days to complete, weather permitting.

Phase 2: The initial reinstatement of the bank between the regatta course and the river and will include reinstatement of the roadway in a temporary form. This will take approx. a further 14 days.

Phase 3: Complete reinstatement of the flood bank to its original profile but to a far higher specification. It will include a certain amount of infilling with original material excavated from the regatta lake encapsulated in compacted clay, further encapsulated in 1.5 to 2 ton Armour blocks, stone pitching and rip rap covered in 150mm of top soil. It is expected that this will take a further 28 days.

For information regarding future access to the lake, availability and bookings, users should continue to contact Leisure Connection Plc in the normal way.

I would be grateful if you would circulate the above information to your athletes and colleagues in an attempt to make sure that as many users as possible are made aware of the updated situation.

Thank you for your understanding during this difficult period.

Yours sincerely

Brian Pluckrose

National Centres Unit
Sport England"

David Biddulph's rowing pages

This page created 7 Mar 2001

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